R4EU VR exhibition

The virtual reality exhibition is part of the Robotics4EU European project. https://www.robospot.org/

The vision of the exhibition was to make all innovations and robotics available to everyone in a virtual reality format, as it provides a great opportunity to bring together many companies on one platform and offer the most immersive experience. As we know, there are no similar exhibitions done before By participating in the project exhibition, companies will have the opportunity to market themselves and gain new business partners. The next step will be to showcase the exhibition at various innovation, technology and robotics events across Europe.

The R4EU virtual reality exhibition will also be available with or without 3D glasses in a two-dimensional format. Visitors can access websites, videos, presentations and 3D models of robots during the exhibition to explore. In addition, the exhibition aims to have partner companies from different disciplines so that different virtual exhibition spaces can be created by category. For example, categorise them as “Smart city”, “Education” and “Industry”.

The virtual exhibition has been created and developed in collaboration with specialists from the XR Centre at TalTech, a top Estonian university. During the development of the exhibition idea, a number of service providers were contacted in advance to develop the concepts. Different service providers had different visions and strategies, but the selected service provider had ideas that overlapped with our visions, which fit well with the project.

To get an idea of the potential of the exhibition and how visitors would view it, we created a rudimentary virtual version of the exhibition. After some changes, we started the project. As a first step, we contacted a number of European robotics and technology companies that had an actual physical product. Initially, only a few of them gave positive feedback and some of them agreed to participate in the future.

If you are interested in bringing your product or company to the exhibition, please get in touch with us!

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